Inventory and Stock Management

Track, sync and manage stock levels across all products and variants

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Inventory and Stock Management Features

Manage products in one place

Manage products, categorize, and link suppliers. Automate updates for online orders and inventory.

Track stock level real-time

Set an individual stock level range across all products and product variants.

Connect multiple online stores

Connect to all your online channels and make sure your inventory is in sync everywhere, all the time.

Low stock alerts

Keep track of your stock levels so you never run out. Receive notifications when your stock is running low.

Retail and wholesale pricing

Ability to set retail and wholesale prices for all products and variants.

Warehouse supported

Assign various locations to individual products and their variants.

Record Incoming Inventory

Track your incoming orders, where they’re coming from and when they’ve arrived.

Register missing and damaged inventory

Track your incoming orders, where they’re coming from and when they’ve arrived.


Backorder management

Automatically create backorders to keep track all your restock orders

Create backorders from existing missing or undelivered stock under Incoming inventory. Alternatively, create brand new backorders manually from the Backorder section.

Key Highlights

Backorder Tracking

Keep tabs on backorders associated with suppliers and our Fena inventory management module to maintain visibility into pending orders

Advanced Filtering

Utilize comprehensive filtering options to streamline backorder management and quickly locate specific orders based on various criteria

Missing and Damage Marking

Easily identify missing or damaged parts of any backorder, allowing for prompt resolution and fulfillment

Automated Inventory Updates

Seamlessly convert backorders into inventory updates upon goods receipt, ensuring accurate stock levels and efficient inventory management

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